
My name is Sonya Yurchesyn. I'm a wife, auntie and mother to three beautiful bunnies, Norma, Ellie & Ogie and Gus the Basset Hound . I'm a Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist by trade, and dabble in textiles, painting and other craft. I love to travel and learn with my best friend and occasionally my husband. I'm also pretty sure I have a Pinterest addiction.

So what lead me to this venture?

Surprisingly, it wasn't my Fine Arts degree from NSCAD University, and it most certainly wasn't my Science degree from Dalhousie. For me, it was my own wedding in Beavercove, Cape Breton that inspired me to start Beechwood + Birch.

Stefan and myself have been together since we were 14. We had a L-O-N-G engagement of four years and finally tied the knot in the summer of 2016. Of course, everyone is different, maybe four years isn't long to some people, but we can all agree that it can be tiresome dreaming up plans about your wedding for years.

Our wedding was DIY to the max. From building our own bar, to clearing 100's of square meters of land and growing grass from seed, it was the biggest project we had ever conquered.

They say it takes a village to raise a child, but I would argue the same applies for a wedding in many cases.

Now that it's said and done, I look back on our wedding day and think of the passion and determination it took to create it, because it literally is a creation and a very personal one.

So I would love to assist others who want their wedding to be personal, who have an eye for detail and don't want to settle on the vision they've been dreaming up, possibly for years.

Yours truly,

Sonya Yurchesyn

Beechwood + Birch

Photo credit: Hind Hart Studios